Tuesday, February 22, 2022



MONDO CANE (Dog World or Doggish World) is a notorious, groundbreaking documentary showing bizarre examples of human and animal behavior in various locations and societies of the world, the Western world included. Featured are mating practices among the natives of New Guinea, religious rituals involving snake handling and self-flagellation among Italian Catholics, and segments showing cruelty to animals which are very difficult to watch. 

Some of the segments are lighthearted and amusing. For example, there is an extended look at a group of elderly American tourists in Hawaii trying their best to learn how to dance the Hula. And there is a look inside a sophisticated New York restaurant where a number of very chic individuals are eating cooked insects and appear to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. The film takes a much darker turn with a look at several Germans staggering around the streets after a night of excessive drinking. And then, we are off to a village in Portugal, showing a yearly event where men try not to be killed when wild bulls are let loose in the town square. The film is making the point that so-called "civilized" Westerners haven't advanced all that much than the people of more remote cultures.

One of the saddest segments shows the effects of nuclear testing by the United States on the environment of the Bikini Atoll. The camera follows sea turtles going on to the land to lay their eggs. However, they are no longer able to find their way back to the sea and instead travel further inland where they will die. The film shows the beaches littered with their decaying skeletons. So much for the advancement of civilization.

These dark and sometimes grotesque are made all the more shocking by being interspersed among the lighter, more amusing parts. Then there is the beautiful music score composed by Ritz Ortolani and Nino Oliviero. It is so lovely that it almost seems inappropriate for such a strange and visceral film. The main theme became world-famous as the song "More". Romantic English lyrics were written for it by Norman Newell, and it was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song.

MONDO CANE is essential viewing for any student of film history, and for anyone interested in world cultures. Be forewarned, however. There are some instances of cruelty to animals that may be disturbing to many viewers, especially children. The film was written and directed by Paolo Cavara, Franco Prosperi, and Gualtiero Jacopetti. The film's title is sometimes translated as A DOG'S LIFE.

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